In-Lab Assessments - Year 2 Presentations


The ability to verbally present information is an increasingly important skill when studying or working in the sciences. Presenting involves not only the ability to deliver the presentation; but also the skill in creating one which is relevant, informative, well structured and engaging.

In order to assist you in developing your presentation skills, for some of the Level 4 Lab Year 2 practicals the in-lab assessment will take the form of a presentation.


The Level 4 Lab presentations will run with groups of 2-3 students presenting to two demonstrators (usually 2 Staff).

For some of the presentations the students in the group may be assigned specifically to introduce certain theory and work, whilst for others the students will work collectively (dividing between themselves the presentation responsibilities).

For Level 4 Lab Year 2 Inorganic Chemistry presentations:

For Level 4 Lab Year 2 Physical Chemistry presentations:

Specific details of the required presentation content, organisation and timings can be found in the lab scripts for the practicals where presentations are a requirement. Note: Level 4 Lab Year 2 presentations will NOT be videoed.


Preparation for the presentation should begin as part of your pre-lab activities, with time available for the preparation to be completed during the lab session, before presenting towards the end of the afternoon.

Preparing for the presentation should involve:

It is also recommended that you practice, since this is the most useful means of assessing timings and gaining confidence in your delivery.


The mark awarded for the presentation will be based on students ability to:

Additionally, the assessors will also take into consideration the students: