Q1: An example of an appropriate date and title would be:
- Experiment 3   15th Feb
- Analysis of Lemonade   Anna Lysis   30th October 2012
- To determine the citric acid concentration (via titriation) and sugar content (via density measurements) of a commercial lemonade beverage
Q2: Experimental details can be in the form of:
- A write up on a scrap piece of paper
- A write up in your lab book
- A write up in your partners lab book
- Your lab script, because there is no need to write it down at all because it is written down in the lab script and it can be annotated
Q3: Experimental details can be:
- Written as bullet points or paragraphs
- Drawn in pictures
- Cut out of the lab script and glued into your lab book
Q4: When writing experimental details you must:
- Write in third person and in past tense
- Write "I" for every procedure you carry out and use present tense
- Ignore grammar and tense as this is not important in a scientific report
- Write in second person and address the reader directly
- Written on your glove
- Remembered in your head
- Written in your lab book
- Shouted across the lab to your colleague to write them in your book
- Only your measurements
- Only your error estimates
- Measurements and error estimates
- A description of how you got the results
Q7: If you feel the results you are obtaining are utter hooey you should:
- Copy them from a colleague
- Modify them to improve your results and to fit your theory
- Use your own results and reference results from other colleagues (if appropriate AND ONLY AFTER you have the Lab Managers permission to do so)
- Give up and go home
Q8: When obtaining spectra you must:
- Print out a copy (since this way you don't need to record/remember the filename since it will be written on the top of the printout)
- Write down key values only (since this is all you need)
- Record the file name and the contents of the file in your lab book - This enables you to retrieve a copy of this data whenever you need to. Also, given the lab-book is a record of your activity, the location and contents of the file give a clear indication of the analysis you have performed.