Introduction to using Excel 2013



EXERCISE 4 - Data Analysis - Regression Analysis

  1. Plot a graph of Pressure vs Temperature, remembering to label axes and to give the chart an appropriate title.

  2. Assuming all pressure readings have the same error as that determined in Exercise 2, add error bars to the chart.

  3. Add a linear trendline to your plot.

  4. Perform a linear regression on your Pressure-Temperature data, ignoring the repeat readings.

  5. Using the Ideal-gas equation and your results, calculate (with an error estimate) the gas concentration in units of mM.

  6. Your graph should look like this:

  7. The gas concentration with associated error is:

    (2.343 ± 0.058) mM        (2.266 ± 0.033) mM       

    (2.533 ± 0.029) mM        (2.443 ± 0.096) mM        (2.199 ± 0.093) mM       

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