Using Excel 2003 - 1.7) Saving your Data

Should you wish to retain your data on disk for later use:

  1. Select File and then Save As... from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the white box to the right of File name and choose a suitable filename for your data.
  3. Put your floppy disk into the drive, or make sure a disk is already there.
  4. Select 3½ Floppy (A:) in the Save in box.
  5. Click on Save.

To reload your data from the disk:

  1. Select File and then Open... from the Menu Bar.
  2. Choose the correct drive and filename (in the manner detailed above).
  3. Click on Open.

NOTE: It is recommeded that regularly save your data, so that in the event of the software or computer crashing, you will not lose all your work.

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