WEB TUTORIAL - Group Theory

The Reduction Forumla
reduction formula

Each part is important and will have a value to input:


The Reduction Formula ALWAYS gives either 0 or a positive integer value. If this is not the case when you perform the calulation you have gone wrong somewhere. Often it is an arithmetic slip up, or commonly an incorrectly worked out R value.

An Example of the Reduction Formula in action: For the C2v character table row A1

C2vEC2 (z)sigmav(xz)sigmav(yz)Linear functions,
A1+1+1+1+1zx2, y2, z2z3, x2z, y2z
B1+1-1+1-1x, Ryxzxz2, x3, xy2
B2+1-1-1+1y, Rxyzyz2, y3, x2y
Number of symmetry elements, h = 4

Where h = 4 and R values (for the number of unchanged bonds when a symmetry element is performed) are 2, 0, 2, 0.

Apply to row A1:
Numbers in the round brackets indicate (N x R x I)
1/4[ (1 x 2 x 1) + (1 x 0 x 1) + (1 x 2 x 1) + (1 x 0 x 1) ] = 1/4 x (4) = 1

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