Composite Reactions & the Steady State Approximation



Propanone reacts in aqueous, acidic, solution with chlorine, bromine and iodine to produce the monohalogen derivative. If the propanone and acid are in considerable excess the rate of reaction in any given case is independent of the concentration or the nature of the halogen (i.e. the reaction is zero-order with respect to the halogen).

Overall, the reaction (using Iodine) is:

CH3COCH3 + I2 → CH3COCH2I + H+ + I-

The following facts have been determined about the system:

Using the above facts two mechanisms have been proposed, the first of which (A) is as follows:

[Halogenation of Propanone - Mechanism A]

The aim of the Year 2 Halogenation of Propanone experiment is to determine the dependence of the reaction rate on the concentrations of iodine, iodide, acid and propanone and to determine the relevant rate constants for the reaction at 25oC and 35oC. The consistency of experimental observations with the proposed mechanisms, needs to be examined and explanation(s) for any deviation observed provided.

In order to determine the consistency of the experimental observations with the proposed mechanisms, appropriate rate expressions for both the mechanisms will need to be derived.

In this tutorial, the procedure to obtain an appropriate rate expression for the first of the proposed mechanisms (A) will be worked through.

Note: For the remainder of this worked example the keto form of propanone (CH3COCH3) will be represented by Pk, the enol form of propanone (CH3C(OH)=CH2) will be represented by Pe and iodopropanone (CH3COCH2I) will be represented by PI, i.e.

Overall ReactionPk + I2 → PI + H+ + I-
Proposed Mechanism[Halogenation of Propanone - Mechanism A]

Elementary or Composite?

If the reaction

Pk + I2 → PI + H+ + I-
was elementary, the rate law could be written as:

-d[I2]/dt = -k[PI][H+][I-]

-d[I2]/dt = +k[PI][H+][I-]

-d[I2]/dt = -k[Pk][I2]

-d[I2]/dt = +k[Pk][I2]