Composite Reactions & the Steady State Approximation


Overall ReactionPk + I2 → PI + H+ + I-
Proposed Mechanism[Halogenation of Propanone - Mechanism A]
Overall Rate
of Consumption
of Iodine
-d[I2]/dt = + k2[Pe][I2]
Steady State
d[Pe]/dt = 0

Overall Rate of Production of the enol form of Propanone {d[Pe]/dt}

If the Steady State Approximation is to be applied to the rate of production of the enol form of proponone, an expression for the rate of production of the enol form of proponone must first be derived.

For the proposed mechanism:

[Halogenation of Propanone - Mechanism A]

The overall rate of production of the enol form of propanone can be expressed as

d[Pe]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk] + k-1[Pe][H+] + k2[Pe][I2]

d[Pe]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk] - k-1[Pe][H+] + k2[Pe][I2]

d[Pe]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk] - k-1[Pe][H+] - k2[Pe][I2]

d[Pe]/dt = - k1[H+][Pk] + k-1[Pe][H+] + k2[Pe][I2]

d[Pe]/dt = - k1[H+][Pk] + k-1[Pe][H+] - k2[Pe][I2]