Composite Reactions & the Steady State Approximation


Overall ReactionPk + I2 → PI + H+ + I-
Proposed Mechanism[Halogenation of Propanone - Mechanism A]
Overall Rate
of Consumption
of Iodine
-d[I2]/dt = + k2[Pe][I2]
Steady State
d[Pe]/dt = 0
Overall Rate of
Production of Pe
d[Pe]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk] - k-1[Pe][H+] - k2[Pe][I2]
From Applying the
Steady State
[Pe]ss = + k1[H+][Pk] / (k-1[H+] + k2[I2])
Overall Rate
of Consumption
of Iodine
-d[I2]/dt = + k1k2[H+][I2][Pk] / ( k-1[H+] + k2[I2])

Simplifying the Expression for the Overall Rate of Consumption of Iodine

The overall rate of consumption of iodine has been found to be

-d[I2]/dt = + k1k2[H+][I2][Pk] / ( k-1[H+] + k2[I2])
This must now be studied to determine if the expression can be simplified.

It has been previously stated that the reversible reaction

[Halogenation of Propanone - Reversible Step]
is slow, and that the iodination reaction
[Halogenation of Propanone - Iodination Step]
is fast.

So comparing the terms (k-1[H+] and k2[I2]) on the bottom of the rate equation would lead to the simplifying assumption that

k-1[H+] is approximately equal to k2[I2]

k-1[H+] is much larger than k2[I2]

k-1[H+] is much smaller than k2[I2]

Nothing can be assumed about the relative magnitudes of k-1[H+] and k2[I2]