Composite Reactions & the Steady State Approximation



If the rate law for the reaction 2NO2 + F2 → 2NO2F, was experimentally determined as r = k[NO2][F2], the reaction would not be elementary.

The Steady State Approximation

The Steady State Approximation (SSA) is the setting of the rate of change of concentration of a species equal to zero. It is usually applied to the intermediate species, provided that the intermediate is highly reactive and present in low concentrations.


The proposed mechanism for the reaction N2O5 + NO → 3NO2, is
N2O5 → NO2 + NO3

NO + NO3 → 2NO2

From experimental data the following rates for N2O5, NO and NO3 have been obtained:
[Plot of Reaction Rates]
From the plot it can be seen that the rate of change in the concentration of NO3 rapidly falls to a very small value. In fact it approaches zero, i.e. d[NO3]/dt ~ 0.

The Steady State Approximation is applied by setting this rate equal to zero, i.e. d[NO3]/dt = 0.

Review Question

For the concentration profile given below

[Concentration Profile]
the Steady State Approximation (d[A]/dt = 0) could be applied over the following range of times
Time > 0 Mins

Time < 7 Mins

Time > 7 Mins

Time < 20 Mins