Convert an acceleration of 9.81 m s-2 to units of ft s-2 | |
From the Conversion Factors given in the Unit Conversions Table:
1 m s-2 = 3.281 ft s-2 → 1 = 3.281 ft s-2 m-1 s2 → 9.81 m s-2 x 1 = 9.81 m s-2 x 3.281 ft s-2 m-1 s2 → 9.81 m s-2 = 32.19 ft s-2 | |
Convert a speed of 70 mph to m s-1 | |
From the Conversion Factors given in the Unit Conversions Table: 2.237 mph = 1 m s-1
→ 1 = (1/2.237) m s-1 (mph)-1 → 70 mph x 1 = 70 mph x (1/2.237) m s-1 (mph)-1 → 70 mph = 31 m s-1 | |
Convert 4 pints (UK) to gallons (US) | |
From the Conversion Factors given in the table above:
1 m3 = 1760 pint (UK) and 1 m3 = 264.2 gal (US) → 1760 pint (UK) = 264.2 gal (US) → 1 = (264.2/1760) gal (US) (pint (UK))-1 → 4 pint (UK) x 1 = 4 pint (UK) x (264.2/1760) gal (US) (pint (UK))-1 → 4 pint (UK) = 0.6 gal (US) | |
Convert 4k furlongs per week to units of mph | |
From the Conversion Factors given in the Unit Conversions Table:
1 s = 1.653 x 10-6 wk → 1 = 1.653 x 10-6 wk s-1 → 4k furlong wk-1 x 1 = 4k furlong wk-1 x 1.653 x 10-6 wk s-1 → 4k furlong wk-1 = 6.612 x 10-3 furlong s-1 From the Conversion Factors given in the table above: 1 m = 4.971 x 10-3 furlong → 1 = (1 / 4.971 x 10-3) m furlong-1 = 201.2 m furlong-1 → 6.612 x 10-3 furlong s-1 x 1 = 6.612 x 10-3 furlong s-1 x 201.2 m furlong-1 → 6.612 x 10-3 furlong s-1 = 1.330 m s-1 From the Conversion Factors given in the table above: 1 m s-1 = 2.237 mph → 1 = 2.237 mph m-1 s → 1.330 m s-1 x 1 = 1.330 m s-1 x 2.237 mph m-1 s → 1.330 m s-1 = 2.975 mph 4k furlongs per week is equivalent to 3 mph |