Introduction to using Excel 2016





The following exercises are designed to help you practice the concepts introduced in the Excel 2016 Web Tutorials.

These exercises are made to give you practice in using Excel 2016 to calculate the mean (with associated error) on a set of multiple measurements, to use regression analysis and to perform (repetitive) calculations.

The exercises are organised as a set of multiple choice questions. Clicking on the correct choice of answer will take you to the next question. Selecting the wrong answer will take you to a page with instructions for that particular exercise.

If at any time you wish to exit the exercises, click on LEVEL 4 TEACHING LABORATORY at the top of the screen and you will be returned to the Front Page of the web-site.


EXERCISE 1 - Performing (Repetitive) Calculations

Skip to EXERCISE 2 - Data Analysis - Mean With Associated Error

Skip to EXERCISE 3 - Data Analysis - Mean With Associated Error

Skip to EXERCISE 4 - Data Analysis - Regression Analysis