Composite Reactions & the Steady State Approximation


Overall ReactionPk + I2 →I + H+ + I-
Proposed Mechanism[Halogenation of Propanone - Mechanism A]
Overall Rate
of Consumption
of Iodine
-d[I2]/dt = + k2[Pe][I2]
Steady State
d[Pe]/dt = 0
Overall Rate of
Production of Pe
d[Pe]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk] - k-1[Pe][H+] - k2[Pe][I2]
From Applying the
Steady State
[Pe]ss = + k1[H+][Pk] / (k-1[H+] + k2[I2])
Overall Rate
of Consumption
of Iodine
-d[I2]/dt = + k1k2[H+][I2][Pk] / ( k-1[H+] + k2[I2])
k-1[H+] << k2[I2]
(since the reversible reaction is slow and the iodination reaction is fast)
Final (Simplified)
Rate Expression
-d[I2]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk]


The final result of the derivation of an appropriate rate expression for the proposed mechanism (A) was:

-d[I2]/dt = + k1[H+][Pk]

The rate expression obtained from the experimental data (for the Year 2 Halogenation of Propanone experiment) could now be compared with the derived rate expression. Based on this comparison, a determination could be made as to whether or not the proposed mechanism was consistent with the experimental results.

For the write-up of the Halogenation of Propanone experiment, the final derived rate expression for the proposed mechanism (A) must be cited.

In addition, the Halogenation of Propanone write-up must include the derivation of an appropriate rate expression for the second proposed mechanism (B). Details about Mechanism B can be found in the Halogenation of Propanone lab script. Remember to include the intermediate steps of the derivation.



If there are any problems, either with this Tutorial or with the write-up for the Year 2 "Halogenation of Propanone" practical, please contact Col Flowers.

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Tutorial Introduction

Chapter 1 - Basic Principles

Chapter 2 - Composite Reactions and the SSA

Previous Chapter (Decomposition of Azomethane)

Current Chapter (Halogenation of Propanone)