Using Origin 2017

Plotting a graph

One of the main uses of spreadsheets is to neatly and informatively present data graphically.

Example:  The Arrhenius equation is defined as: k = A e-Ea/RT where k is the rate coefficient (s-1), A the pre-exponential factor (s-1), R the gas constant (8.314 Jmol-1K-1), Ea the activation energy (J mol-1) and T the temperature (K). In the Briggs-Rauscher reaction (obeying the Arrhenius equation), the (overall) rate coefficient for the reaction was monitored as a function of temperature:

Temperature / K 298 295 292 289
Rate Coeffcient / s-1 0.078 0.052 0.037 0.022

 1. Enter the data above into Origin (as columns and not rows)
 2. Label the columns with the correct units.

Note: Using "\" and either "+" or "-" will allow superscriptand subscript for appropriate labelling of axis.

 3. Highlight the columns and select plot → symbol → scatter.

A graph will be plotted.

 4. To add a title to the graph, select the "Text Tool" (left hand side of Origin), then click on the plot where you wish the title to appear and enter the title text.
 5. If necessary the scale of the plot can be altered by double clicking on the selected axis and then clicking "scale".
  Once the plot has been completed, it should appear as shown below.

Plotting a Graph (Line of Best Fit)

Using Origin 2017 - Contents Page